For Insurance Agents And Their Teams!

Sign up now for free to unlock the exact 3-step blueprint to revive your dead leads. It's time to nurture your hard earned prospects and to build a thriving business in 2024.


5 call backs and one appointment right away

“I just ran the Revive Dead Leads campaign. I got 5 call backs and one appointment set right away. I'm encouraged by how quickly I got a response.” - Shaun Fraley

For Insurance Agents And Their Teams!

Sign up now for free to unlock the exact 3-step blueprint to revive your dead leads. It's time to nurture your hard earned prospects and to build a thriving business in 2024.


5 call backs and one appointment right away

“I just ran the Revive Dead Leads campaign. I got 5 call backs and one appointment set right away. I'm encouraged by how quickly I got a response.” - Shaun Fraley

Resurrect Your Leads: Transform Missed Chances into Future Clients

You've nurtured leads, invested time, and effort,

pouring your heart into every opportunity. Yet, despite your dedication, some leads have just faded away, slipping through your fingers like shadows at dusk. This isn't just about lost contacts; it's a tale of wasted potential, a lingering question of what could have been.

The frustration is palpable - hours spent, resources allocated, all seemingly in vain. And the cost? Not just in effort, but in the very real potential revenue that vanished with them.

But what if these

'dead leads' are Only

Waiting For you?

Perhaps, they're just dormant, silently waiting for the right spark to reignite their interest. The pain of a dead list and database isn't just about what's lost; it's the gnawing uncertainty and confusion that comes with it. How do you approach these silent leads again? Is there a right word, a perfect moment, or have the sands of opportunity slipped away forever?

This dilemma often leaves you in a limbo of indecision. Should you reach out, or is it too late? If you do, what should you say to rekindle their interest without seeming desperate? These questions aren't just hypothetical - they're the haunting reality of missed chances.

Your Guide To

Revitalize Lost Leads!

He has found the secret to transforming past failures into future fortunes. Embark on this transformative journey with Alex Branning, a name synonymous with innovation and success in the world of high-performance marketing. Alex's story began when he founded the Branning Group in December 2000, at the young age of 17. Since then, his journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. He has emerged as one of the country's leading marketing coaches, renowned for his ability to breathe new life into businesses and entrepreneurial ventures.

In this workshop, Alex doesn't just share techniques; he shares a part of his journey, offering you the distilled essence of his years of experience and innovation. You're not just learning strategies; you're gaining a mentor who has walked the path and transformed challenges into wins.

Your Guide To

Revitalize Lost Leads!

He has found the secret to transforming past failures into future fortunes. Embark on this transformative journey with Alex Branning, a name synonymous with innovation and success in the world of high-performance marketing. Alex's story began when he founded the Branning Group in December 2000, at the young age of 17. Since then, his journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. He has emerged as one of the country's leading marketing coaches, renowned for his ability to breathe new life into businesses and entrepreneurial ventures.

In this workshop, Alex doesn't just share techniques; he shares a part of his journey, offering you the distilled essence of his years of experience and innovation. You're not just learning strategies; you're gaining a mentor who has walked the path and transformed challenges into wins.


Save Your Money To Acquire New Leads



Discover the untapped potential in your "historical leads" repository. Master the art of reigniting connections with a touch of personalization and a sprinkle of strategy.

Turning Leads into Conversations

Master the art of conversation and learn how to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Empower yourself with the ability to turn a casual rejection into a strong and positive agreement!

Raving Reviews and Referrals

Forge a path towards a future filled with raving reviews and enthusiastic referrals, and witness your brand reputation ascend to new heights with the success you have dreamed of.

Database Resurrection

Discover the untapped potential in your "historical leads" repository. Master the art of reigniting connections with a touch of personalization and a sprinkle of strategy.

Turning Leads into Conversations

Master the art of conversation and learn how to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Empower yourself with the ability to turn a casual rejection into a strong and positive agreement!

Raving Reviews and Referrals

Forge a path towards a future filled with raving reviews and enthusiastic referrals, and witness your brand reputation ascend to new heights with the success you have dreamed of.

Before vs After!

Ready To Get More Clients For Your Business?

Before The Workshop:

  • Drain vitality from your leads, neglecting potential opportunities.

  • Decrease lead conversion rates with ineffective phone call techniques.

  • Succumb to objections and rejections without effective strategies.

  • Create generic and uninteresting deactivation messages.

  • Establish a chaotic follow-up process for dormant leads.

  • Lose the confidence to turn leads into valuable conversations.

After The Workshop:

  • Breathe new life into your leads, rekindling missed opportunities.

  • Boost lead conversion rates with effective phone call techniques.

  • Overcome objections and rejections with proven strategies.

  • Craft personalized and compelling reactivation messages.

  • Establish a streamlined follow-up process for dormant leads.

  • Gain the confidence to turn leads into valuable conversations.

Before The Workshop:

  • Drain vitality from your leads, neglecting potential opportunities.

  • Decrease lead conversion rates with ineffective phone call techniques.

  • Succumb to objections and rejections without effective strategies.

  • Create generic and uninteresting deactivation messages.

  • Establish a chaotic follow-up process for dormant leads.

  • Lose the confidence to turn leads into valuable conversations.

After The Workshop:

  • Breathe new life into your leads, rekindling missed opportunities.

  • Boost lead conversion rates with effective phone call techniques.

  • Overcome objections and rejections with proven strategies.

  • Craft personalized and compelling reactivation messages.

  • Establish a streamlined follow-up process for dormant leads.

  • Gain the confidence to turn leads into valuable conversations.

By the end of this workshop, you won't just revive old leads; you'll be scripting a new chapter of success. It’s time to go from overlooked to overbooked!

Real people. real results!

Don't Just Take Our Word For It

"One of the things that I love about Alex is his commitment to always getting better. He's always working on the latest software, the latest technology. He's truly passionate about helping people grow their business online."

- Eric Lofholm

"If your marketing program is stalled out, tired out, running on fumes, and is just plain acting pitiful, you need to talk to Alex Branning. He's got the tools in place to jump start your business plan at a price that will astound you."

- Dave Owens

"Alex is a high integrity person. He has been above board and above par. He delivers what he promises. If there is something that I thought could be done differently, he's never had any problems with my input or making changes."

- Elgin Walker

"One of the things that I love about Alex is his commitment to always getting better. He's always working on the latest software, the latest technology. He's truly passionate about helping people grow their business online."

- Eric Lofhoff

"If your marketing program is stalled out, tired out, running on fumes, and is just plain acting pitiful, you need to talk to Alex Branning. He's got the tools in place to jump start your business plan at a price that will astound you."

- Dave Owens

"Alex is a high integrity person. He has been above board and above par. He delivers what he promises. If there is something that I thought could be done differently, he's never had any problems with my input or making changes."

- Elgin Walker